Latin America and the Caribbean to 1821

R. Harpelle
Office: RB 3019

This course is designed to give students a general knowledge of the history of Latin America and the Caribbean during the Spanish colonial period. The format of the course will be a combination of lectures and discussions. Students will be expected to participate in class discussions. Readings are assigned for specific dates and students must be prepared for the discussions. In addition, students will be asked to write a book review, submit a term paper and write a final exam. Details of these assignments will be given in class. A penalty of 3 points per day will be assessed to all late papers and the last day for submissions is at the end of term). Students are also expected to follow the writing guidelines in Richard Marius, A Short Guide to Writing about History.

Students are advised that late assignments will be assessed a penalty of one mark per day for each day that elapses between the due date and the actual date of submission. Students are also advised that they are responsible for knowing what plagiarism is and for avoiding it.

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