Research Links

On this page you will find a variety of links to academic and non-academic sites. The focus is on Latin American and Caribbean history and the West Indian diaspora. However, you will also find several general purpose links that are of interest to students of history and surfers who have been blown off course and have washed up on these shores. Please report any problems to


Getting Started

Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Research Materials and Sources

Research Tools

Caribbean Sounds

Bananas in Cyberspace

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Getting Started

Using the Internet for Research

Lakehead University Library Catalogue

Inter-library Loans at Lakehead

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Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Links for Caribbean Studies

Links for Latin American Studies

Other History Links

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Research Materials and Sources

General Archival Collections

Archives in the United States and Britain

Canadian Federal, Provincial and Territorial Archives

Libraries Around the World

Commercial Suppliers of Articles and Books

Journals, Newspapers and Magazines

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Research Tools

Citation Guides and Writing Resources


History Indexes

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Caribbean Sounds

Jammin' Reggae Archives

British Reggae Connections
To bring the standard of reggae reissues up to the level of the best in jazz, blues, R&b etc., and to ensure that both artists and producers are paid for their work.
On U Sound was formed in the early-1980s. Initially Creation Rebel, Prince Far I, Bim Sherman, LondOn Underground and The Mothmen formed the 'crew' responsible for the first records.

Various Reggae

Net Radio Offers a comprehensive reggae radio package. Listen from the comfort of your home.

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Bananas in Cyberspace

Some Serious Sites

Some Silly Sites

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Copyright Ronald N. Harpelle
Last revised: January 31, 2001