How to Use this Guide

Description of the Guide

This guide is an experiment in what might be called virtual research. It should be seen as an attempt to make resources available to people who otherwise would not have access the information I have compiled. Ideally a researcher anywhere in the world can use the guide to find out what sorts of materials exist in the archives and collections I have consulted. The emphasis tends to be on Costa Rican sources, but the guide also includes materials from elsewhere in the region as well as in the United States and in Britain. The guide makes no claim to being the definitive list of archival sources but it does provide a reasonable array of the documentation available in particular locations. Although the information contained here is of limited use in and of itself, I believe that it can serve as a means for researchers to begin or add to a study of some aspect of the West Indian diaspora.

Organization of the Guide

There are over 1,200 entries in this guide and they are in chronological order. The first line of each entry includes a date taken from the source in question, followed by , an indication of the country that is of primary concern in the document, the archive and reference number the full source can be found in, and a brief description of the contents. I have also indicated if a copy of the document is part of my collection. Some documents contain several files with many different dates. In these instances I have used whatever date seemed appropriate to the documents in question. Mostly I used the date on the first document in the file or the date indicated in the archival index. Similarly, some documents deal with more than one country. In these instances the text of the summary provided in guide will usually reveal the relationship of the documents to events in other countries.

Searching the Guide

There are two ways of using this guide. You can scroll through the document and look for a specific event, geographical location, period or date or you can use a keyword search. To use the word search press the Ctrl and F keys to bring up the screen or use your rodent, go to Edit, then click on Find. Enter the word or phrase you are interested in and press the enter key. A word search will take you to the next occurrence of the word or phrase you are looking for. Spend a few minutes looking through the guide to see how I have put it together and you will understand the way it is organized.

Let's Make a Deal

You will also notice that I have indicated which documents I have in my files. With this guide I am giving you more than a decade worth of research on one aspect of the West Indian diaspora. The documents I have in my possession are available to anyone in exchange for new material that can be included in the guide. If you are working on any aspect of the West Indian diaspora, have primary sources to send to me, can put the information about the documents you have for exchange in the format used in this guide, then let's make a deal. I will consider appeals for credit from serious researchers who demonstrate a need for documents in my collection but who do not have anything to exchange at present. Researchers from the West Indies and Central America, especially children of the diaspora, enjoy particular favour in negotiating with me.

Please contact me if you have any concerns or questions regarding this website.

Archives Consulted

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Copyright Ronald N. Harpelle
Last revised: January 31, 2001